General medicine dogs and cats


Internal medicine is a branch of medicine that studies the metabolic and functional alterations of the internal organs and systems for which surgical therapy is not indicated, but primarily medical. It deals with prevention, diagnosis, and medical therapy, implying knowledge of various fields of medicine including cardiology, gastroenterology, nephrology, haematology, endocrinology, and infectious diseases.

The preparation and continuous professional updating of the Veterinarians in our staff allow us to address the various pathologies that may affect your companion animal with both science and conscience.

To arrive at a diagnosis, in addition to gathering medical history and performing a thorough clinical examination, various diagnostic tools are used, such as laboratory haematochemical tests, radiology, endoscopy, ultrasound, CT scans, MRI, and minimally invasive sampling techniques (needle aspiration, biopsy). Early diagnosis allows for the prevention of the progression of serious diseases and facilitates easier recovery or prolongation of the patient's life.

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